• 1993-03-08
  • 28 min
  • Full-HD

Renascer (1993)

Jose Inocencio had innocence only as part of his name, but only those who new him well could notice this. But nobody knew him. He was a storyteller, and he was always the main character in the stories he told. He managed not only to create stories about himself, he managed to create a legend. The story of this powerful cacao farmer; Maria Santa, the beloved wife who died; and their four children is the main theme of 'Renascer'.

Brazil France
Season 1

Antônio Fagundes

José Inocêncio (Zé Inocêncio)

Marcos Palmeira

João Pedro Inocêncio

Adriana Esteves

Mariana Paiva Ferreira

Herson Capri

Teodoro Gouveia

Osmar Prado

Sebastião de Pádua (Tião Galinha)

Chica Xavier

Inácia de Jesus Galvão

Patricia Pillar

Eliana Vieira

Luciana Braga

Sandra Gouveia Martinez