• Mar 02, 1970
  • 98 min
  • Full-HD

Skulle det dukke opp flere lik, er det bare å ringe... (1970)

Cleaning lady Lilly Hansen finds her employer, managing director Martinsen, with a knife in his back. The police is summoned and Chief Inspector Bakker is put on the case, despite suffering from the flu. When he arrives at the scene, the body is gone, to Lilly Hansen's dismay. Shortly after a body is found in nearby Palace Park...

Teamfilm AS

Arve Opsahl

Overbetjent Henry Bakker

Aud Schønemann

Lilly Hansen

Carsten Byhring

Freddy Hansen

Helge Reiss

Jeremias P. Grodahl

Anne-Lise Tangstad

Sidsel Sellæg

Jorunn Kjellsby

Arne Aas

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