• Jan 22, 1972
  • 96 min
  • Full-HD

Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks (1972)

Guerillas time-jump back from the 22nd century to assassinate Sir Reginald Styles - a diplomat working for World Peace, The Doctor discovers they are from a future where the Daleks have invaded the Earth (Following wars precipitated by Styles's destruction at the peace conference). With the Daleks desperate to maintain their version of history, The Doctor and Jo find themselves in a totalitarian future, where they must discover who really happened and prevent it.

United Kingdom

Jon Pertwee

The Doctor

Nicholas Courtney

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Katy Manning

Jo Grant

Richard Franklin

Captain Yates

John Levene

Sergeant Benton

Wilfred Carter

Sir Reginald Styles

Peter Messaline

Daleks Voices (voice)

Jean McFarlane

Miss Paget

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