• Apr 25, 1913
  • 11 min
  • Full-HD

Broncho Billy and the Rustler's Child (1913)

David Morgan, a cowpuncher, is informed by Doctor Harding that the former's wife is in a serious condition and must be taken from the high altitude. An Indian horse thief shows David a way to make some money easy. That night, the Indian and the cowpuncher steal two horses. The Indian is captured by Broncho Billy, the sheriff, and squeals on Morgan. Dorothy, the cowpuncher's child, informs her father that a posse is coming up the road. Morgan instructs his child to say nothing to the men concerning his whereabouts. The cowpuncher crawls into the loft and pulls the ladder up after him. Broncho Billy enters, sees Morgan's wife is in a critical condition and asks the child where her father is. She tells him she does not know. The sheriff, hearing a sound above him, is about to fire his revolver into the loft, when the girl confesses that her father is above.

United States of America
The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company

Gilbert M. Anderson

Broncho Billy

Brinsley Shaw

David Morgan (the rustler)

Eugenia Clinchard

Morgan's child

Evelyn Selbie

Morgan's sick wife

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