• Sep 23, 2011
  • 90 min
  • Full-HD

Nach der Hochzeit bin ich weg! (2011)

As a housewife, wife and manager of a family business, Anne Stadler has everything under control. So the wedding of her only daughter Lisette should be a fantastic event, as she herself was not allowed to experience it. With Elan Anne organizes in the contemplative Black Forest village a social event of the first order, with church blessing, many guests and a big stag party. But in the middle of the preparations, she caught her godfather Gerd in the family-owned sawmill at the fling. When finally Arno Freywald appears, father of the groom Daniel and impostor, the cards are shuffled.

Studio.TV.Film ARD

Saskia Vester

Anne Stadler

Jan-Gregor Kremp

Gerd Stadler

Peter Sattmann

Arno Freywald

Teresa Weißbach

Lisette Stadler

Kai Schumann

Daniela Freywald

Stephan Tölle

Hans Meyer

Maria Boettner


Michael Hanemann


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