A young couple embark upon their honeymoon against the chilling landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. But when tragedy strikes, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present...
A biopic drama-documentary about the 'King of Pop', that mixes real footage and new interviews with people around him (most notably his mother Katherine Jackson) with re-enactments of times of Michael's life until his untimely death on the 25th of June in 2009.
Six contestants win a competition to appear on a Live reality TV show at a secret location in rural England. The next ten hours will be spent on a paranormal Investigation with a TV crew searching for the truth behind ghost stories that haunt an old railway station museum.
When Hannah's parents took her to a new school, they said it was to give her a new start. However, Hannah is 11, autistic, and due to her condition, unable to speak. She had a twin called Angel, but when Angel died, Hannah was forbidden to grieve by her abusive parents and punished when she sought comfort from her sister's things. Now Hannah lives locked inside a silent life of despair, which she fears will soon end at the hands of her parents. However, when a knife keeps appearing under her pillow, and a voice that she thinks is inside her head won't leave her alone, Hannah begins to realise that just maybe, she may have an ally not of this world, but fear paralyses her. Could it be Angel, who from the 'other side' has come to seek justice for all the abuse she has suffered? Can Hannah overcome her fear enough to let her in?
Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.
Pivoting around a novelist's fascinating story of a magic mirror--the extra-dimensional gate to a haunting realm--a Literature student locates her house, intent on crossing over. Will he ever find out what lurks hidden on the other side?
Georges Melies' film has a new guy showing up in a store on his first day and he obviously just doesn't fit in as he makes one mistake after another.
Two Brothers Facing A Drug Dealer With A Bad Cop
Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.
The energetic Peas-n-a-Pod siblings teach Forky about reading and how it is done, with a little help from Mr. Spell
A crusading newsman starts up a tabloid with a gangster as his 50-50 partner.
Maybury's significant contribution to experimental film and video becomes apparent through a complex reworking of his own archive footage. "The film's attempt to re-create an acid trip is showcased in this creature's dance: whenever she moves, a rainbow of colors and shapes appear, as if her appendages are the artist's brushes". (Gary Morris)
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