• Aug 10, 1983
  • 75 min
  • Full-HD

Bolívar, a Tropical Symphony (1983)

This is the first of Diego Risquez’ trilogy of avant-garde cinematic treatments of historical subjects. Using a painterly style, it features portraits, still lifes, and scenes shot as tableaux vivants, the film provides an experimental interpretation of the arrival of the Spanish and their domination of the New World, as well as the Venezuelan Independence movement, focusing on the role of Simón Bolívar. There is no dialogue or narration, simply a musical score and the depiction of events from Bolívar’s career.

Producciones Guakamaya

Temístocles López

Antonio Eduardo Dagnino

Carlos Castillo

Hugo Márquez

María Adelina Vera

Diego Rísquez

Henrique Vera-Villanueva

Simon Bolivar as a child

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