The animated short was entirely composed of computer generated imagery and centered on the adventures of Slick and Spin. A fellow Dummy named Ted has been chosen to use a new, indestructible torso module (Torso-9000), but his head is mixed up with an evil dummy's head, leading to the birth of Junkman. Slick and Spin try to free the kidnapped Dr. Zub from Junkman before the villain can extract the knowledge of how to mass-produce the torso.
When Bugs vacations in the Ozarks he is pursued by hungry buzzards.
Desperately losing his mind while searching for a new pair of shoes, an old man and his trusty Walker wander the City of Rott, saturated with thousands of rotting zombies, driven to feed the blood-hungry worms residing in their skulls.
Astronauts landing on an unknown planet are overcome with greed evoked by all-consuming amoebas transformed into gemstones. The greed kills the entire crew and the amoebas can take over their ship and eventually Earth. Among other techniques, Mergl uses animated xylographic illustrations and the film‘s uniqueness is underscored by its soundtrack.
An Italian theatrical film edited from Mazinger Z vs. Devilman, UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger, and Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo.
It's the story of a child and her mother, two lives that don't communicate with each other. Is that loneliness that sometimes reaches the size of the night. Dark is the night. Dark is the mother. And dark becomes the entire Universe when you are alone and abandoned.
In modern day Tokyo, three university students, Negishi Miyako (Neko-chan), Saiki Haruka, and Yamagishi Keiichiro, have magical powers that make them feel like outcasts. They come together one night and are transported to another world. They open a massive door and Neko finds that she is the Princess Neryulla, who must defeat the evil Duran III to free her people.
In a war-torn world of deadly conflict, one small group of heroes stand against the forces of darkness, armed only with two weapons — their unswerving dedication to good and the superhuman martial art known as the Shadow Skill... For the 14-year-old Gau Ban, it is time once again to return to the grave of his parents, murdered by bandits when he was just ten. In the company of his adoptive sister Elle Lagu, Gau quickly comes to realize that his journey is more than a pilgrimage, and that his combat abilities as a student of the Karuda School of Martial Arts are about to be pushed to the breaking point! Note: The three OVA episodes together (Sevalle, Septia & Sui Rame) are also sometimes referred to as Shadow Skill: The Movie.
Holly and the Hey Girls learn that you never know who might make the perfect friend when they meet the town witch and find out she's really a wonderful old lady who can use a little of their help.
When Dracula takes a well deserved Halloween vacation, his buddy Frankenstein is left alone for the weekend. Curious and in search of Halloween adventure, Frankenstein unleashes supernatural powers on the whole galaxy, it's up to Zombie Dave to tackle the situation. Join the spooky madness with Frankenstein Ruins Halloween.
As a live woman performs a striptease, she's cheered on by an audience of small cartoon men. Some of them pop in the excitement as she brings down the house.
A family of seven lives on a New England island with nobody else. One winter, they got stranded because the bay froze over. This didn't much matter to them, but someone on the mainland remembered them and launched an aerial rescue mission; an unfounded story that one boy had appendicitis results in a larger rescue mission, with the situation rapidly escalating into a major catastrophe all because of the rescue mission.
A group of young mice is in the ruins of a church, practicing singing for an upcoming service. After singing an adulterated version of "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing," the mice wonder about the last line, "Good will to men." One of them asks the choirmaster, an old mouse, "What are men?" The old mouse explains that they all killed each other off by building bigger and more destructive weapons, first guns, then missiles, then bombs.
In this animated children's feature, two kids find themselves in the strange and fascinating world of the friendly animals known as the Puffalumps.
One of the most famous works in the history of fictional literature is brought to life in this animated feature. This is the classic tale of a selfless Englishman who generously gave his life for one courageous French nobleman. Learn about the heroic men and women who struggled for their freedom during the French Revolution.
A hep teen hears a tune on the jukebox at the malt shop and calls his girl; She rounds up a crowd and soon the whole place is jumping.
Early slapstick short from Louis Feuillade involving runaways, except that, instead of it being a runaway horse (see Griffith's THE CURTAIN POLE for an example), it is a cartful of what appear to be hundred-pound pumpkins that get away, rushing hither and yon, down sewers, up chimneys, pursued by the drayer, a couple of other people and a very unwilling donkey.
Motion Painting No. 1 is a 1947 experimental short animated film in which film artist Oskar Fischinger put images in motion to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto no. 3, BWV 1048. It is a film of a painting (oil on acrylic glass); Fischinger filmed each brushstroke over the course of 9 months. In 1997, this film was selected for inclusion in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2000.
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